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    It lends the flm a semi-documentary style pain medication for large dogs buy aspirin on line amex, especially with the combination of real footage with reenactment and documentary scenes pain medication for small dogs aspirin 100pills for sale. The introduc tion pain treatment center of greater washington justin wasserman buy aspirin 100 pills on line, which takes about ten minutes arizona pain treatment center mcdowell buy aspirin 100pills with mastercard, leads into the main story that begins with the events of 1989. And since they had gotten tired of living in the stressful competitive West, Christiane responds with an ofer to house some of the homeless Western refugees. However, Alex seems to enjoy the changes of the Wende (fall of the Wall), when Berlin became the center of the uni verse: Everything was possible, everything was imaginable. Many have looked for an alternative to the hard struggle of survival in the capitalist system, not everyone wants to partici pate in careerism and consumerism. His words also refect the views of many in the West who had hoped an eventually united Germany could someday be a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe. They had hoped this united country could show the world Socialism with a human face. Viewers who had gotten used to the conventional perception of events following the fall of the Wall as liberating and joyful are challenged. The movie challenges our perception of reality and involves the viewer in this mind game. Unlike the scathing criti cism by intellectuals of movies like Downfall and, to a lesser degree, the Baader Meinhof Complex, Goodbye Lenin! In the end, Christiane has already understood that Alex is playing a game, something the amused look on her face in the hospital shows. Alex does not recog nize this in his mother, and when she realizes that he does not see this, she keeps her presumed ignorance. Describe the demonstration scene and focus on sound, light, and cam era position, cut transitions, position of characters, dialogue, pacing. Try to determine what the original text might have been for some of the Aktuelle Kamera news stories. Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006). The story of a Stasi agent who is transformed into a good man and helps his surveillance victim. Die deutsch-deutsche Problematik im Spielflm: Eine Analyse der Komik der Filme Sonnenallee und Good-bye, Lenin! Traudl gets the job, and three years later in 1945 we fnd her in the bunker below the Reichskanzlei, where Hitler celebrates his ffty-sixth birthday to the sound of the Soviet artillery. In the chaos, Albert Speer wants Hitler to stay in Berlin, but others want him to leave. General Mohnke arrives at the bunker to fnd he has been appointed commander in charge of defending Berlin. When Hitler realizes his orders have been ignored, he goes into a rage and then gives Traudl and others suicide pills. Magda Goebbels mur ders her six children, and Joseph Goebbels shoots Magda and himself. At the end, Traudl escapes with Peter and rides with him through a spring countryside. Non German movies had shown Hitler before, above all the 1938 Chaplin flm the Great Dictator, which would defne Hitler images for decades to come. As Eichinger said, it was about time that Germans tell their own story and that they have the courage to show the real actors in this tragedy with the means of real cinema. Other Nazi fgures appear as well, among them Eva Braun, Joseph Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, and Albert Speer. The most provocative character is Ernst Gunter Schenck, whom the movie tends to present as an identi fcation fgure, for lack of a better one, other than Traudl Junge, who never gets past being the naive twenty-one-year-old Hitler fan. Reimer and Reimer note, The German term for coming to terms with the past through flm, Vergangenheitsbewal tigungsflm, implies that flm can be used as a means for refection on and judgment and internalization of the past (Reimer, 2). The tradition began with Trummerflme (rubble flms), such as Die Morder sind unter uns (The Murderers Are Among Us, 1946), which dealt with questions of guilt and atonement and sought to come to grips with the recent past against the still contemporary background of ruined cities (Kaes 1989, 12). It touched on universal issues and the experience of war, but it did not force spectators to identify with the Nazi leadership presented. Film makers like Bernd Eichinger realized the potential in the Nazi story of reaching mass audiences. For that reason, the discussion mostly focused on the flm genre and its claim of authenticity and how this presumed authenticity was achieved. Therefore, our discussion will focus on the issue of authenticity and whether the movie is giving a false sense of what happened, deliberately or not. A lot of discussion, especially in Germany, centers on the question of whether authen ticity is desirable or potentially dangerous with its various ideological implica tions. To them it seems wrong to call an art product authentic since Downfall is not a documentary but a recreation of historic events. Critics also see this procedure as dangerous since a lot of people might take what they see as real and as refecting the events. As the movie switches its point of view between the bunker, the Hitler 290 German Culture through Film Youth, and outside events, this linkage has been criticized by Wim Wenders as resulting in a fragmented and contorted narrative perspective (Radke). Der Untergang is trying to strike a balance between historical accuracy and conventional movie making.

    Consider if the caretaker previously maltreated a child in their care and was referred for services pain management for dog in heat purchase aspirin master card, but did not participate in or did not benefit from those services pain treatment ovarian cyst aspirin 100pills fast delivery. C Section 3 Page 43 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C joint & pain treatment center buy discount aspirin 100 pills on-line. This includes reports indicating illegal drugs are being sold or manufactured in the home and unsecured weapons pain treatment scoliosis cheap aspirin 100 pills on line. If the allegations are not required by statute to be investigated or do not include any of the above variables, the report may be placed in the family assessment track. The track decision should be made at intake, before responding, if at all possible. If sufficient information cannot be obtained from the complainant, the track assignment can be made at the point of the first meaningful contact with any parties named in the complaint. Additional local criteria for track assignment may be developed, but the criteria must be consistently applied within the locality. C Section 3 Page 44 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. Neglect: Lack of supervision that causes or may cause serious injury or illness; injury or threat of injury due to use of weapons in the home. Non-Organic Failure to Thrive: Child is an infant and at imminent risk of severe harm. C Section 3 Page 45 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. Some very mature 10-year-olds may be ready for self-care while some 15-year-olds may not be ready due to emotional problems or behavioral difficulties. It is important to note that a child who can take care of him/herself may not be ready to care for younger children. C Section 3 Page 46 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. This is particularly difficult when staff must distinguish between accidents in which chronic neglect or inadequate supervision was a factor and those where neglect is not a concern. At times, the delay in seeking medical care can range from a few moments to hours. In assessing delay, it is important to realize, for example, that following a severe shaking or beating, the abuser will often place a child down in a crib or on the floor and leave the room. The child may then exhibit symptoms of intracranial pressure (vomiting, seizures, and cardio respiratory arrest). These symptoms then cause the person responsible for the abuse to contact emergency help, and that person often disassociates the symptoms from their previous actions. This is usually age-specific behavior, such as inconsolable crying, a messy diaper, toilet training problems, etc. Crisis can take the form of unexpected or difficult pregnancy, marital differences, loss of job, or death of an extended family member. C Section 3 Page 47 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. C Section 3 Page 48 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. Abandonment: Child is deserted by parent/caretaker, and there are no apparent plans to return. Exploitation (non-sexual): Parent/caretaker uses child to perform illegal acts to benefit the parent/caretaker. Child is without food (consider age of child and length of time) or is malnourished as a result of commission or omission by a parent/caretaker. Inadequate Medical/Mental Health Care: Parent/caretaker is failing to seek, obtain, or follow through with medical attention for a specific moderate-to-serious medical or dental injury, illness, or condition for a child, including failure to use prescribed drugs (consider medication, medical condition, adverse effect, injury to self or other). Include emergency treatment, necessary care or treatment, and necessary dental care or treatment. C Section 3 Page 49 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. Child Protective Services Parent/caretaker is unwilling to obtain mental health services and intervention for a child in need of treatment or evaluation (includes suicide threats or attempts, severe emotional disorders, exhibiting behaviors dangerous to self or others, etc. Non-organic Failure to Thrive Attributed to Physical Neglect Substance-exposed Infant: Mental Abuse occurs when a caretaker creates or inflicts, threatens to create or inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon a child a mental injury by other than accidental means, or creates a substantial risk of impairment of mental functions. Emotional or Psychological: An incident or pattern of behavior directed toward a child. Exposure to Domestic Violence that results in demonstrated dysfunction by the child. Physical Abuse occurs when a caretaker creates or inflicts, threatens to create or inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon a child a physical injury by other than accidental means, or creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, or impairment of bodily functions. Include asphyxiation, bone fracture, brain damage/skull fracture/subdural hematoma, burns / scalding, cuts/bruises/welts/abrasions, internal injuries, sprains / dislocation, gunshot/stab wounds, battered child syndrome, shaken baby syndrome (include injury to child sustained during domestic violence incident). Old, Healed, or Healing Injuries that have gone untreated and appear suspicious as reported by a medical professional. Inappropriate Giving of Drugs to a child by a parent/caretaker, including use of illicit drugs by a breastfeeding parent that is reported by a medical professional as having adverse effects on the child. Parent/Caretaker Action(s) Indicates Excessive Force or Threat of Force That Would Reasonably Cause Injury to a child where injuries may not have occurred or be visible, such as hitting with a fist, choking, etc. Exposure to Drug-related Activity: Allowing child to be present during the sale or manufacture of drugs. C Section 3 Page 50 of 67 3 Complaints and Reports Virginia Department of Social Services July 2017 Child and Family Services Manual C. Sexual Contact or Exploitation involving a child (under age 18) by a parent/caretaker. This includes reports of sibling/adolescent sexual contact where a caretaker role exists or consensual sex involving a child with a person who has care, custody, and control.

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Members of the public speaking on public hearing items, though entitled to be heard by the City Council, are not entitled to an immediate response by either administrative staff members or Council once the public hearing is closed; however, Council discussion may or may not include a response. Public debate by individual speakers from the audience on public hearing items shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Representatives of recognized groups shall be limited to ten (10) minutes; and total debate on a single issue shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes. A Council member may add an item to the agenda during the meeting only at the time the agenda is approved. A Council member may add an item to the agenda during the meeting only at the time the agenda is approved If the item requires action by the Council then it may be added to the agenda by an affirmative vote of the Council and written documentation must be submitted at the time the item is added to the agenda. The facility wherein this public meeting will be held is accessible to the physically handicapped. Mayor Parrish official send off to Sister City for trip to Israel and short presentation by Kathy Mardirosian. Proclamation recognizing the Retirement of Jack Masson, Director of Brevard County Parks and Recreation. Speaker cards are located in the Council Chamber lobby and should be provided to the City Clerk. Please observe the time limit of five (5) minutes while speaking under Delegations. Approve the Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Titusville to Maintain the Water Utility Interconnect; Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement. These improvements include Paver Sidewalks, Textured Pavement surface, Pedestrian-level Lighting, Landscape and associated irrigation and electrical systems. Approve the Fourth Amendment to the Agreement Covering Water Service to Duda Lands, Inc. Approve a Resolution adjusting the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, transferring a duplicate entry from the State Contribution in the Firefighter Pension Plan into General Fund Contingency. Approve the First Amendment of a multi-year Continuing Services Agreement with Quentin L. Approve a Multi-Year Contract with the Bancorp Bank/dba/Mears Motor Leasing and authorize the City Manager to negotiate, sign and execute the agreement and authorize the Police Department to enter into a purchase order for the negotiated amount. Approval of multi-year agreement with Target Solutions for a city-wide learning management system effective December 13, 2016 through September 30, 2018 and authorize the City Manager to approve the final terms and conditions of the agreement and execute the final agreement upon final approval by the City Attorney as to legal form and sufficiency. Approve the first addendum to the Municipal Service Agreement between the City of Cocoa and Alternative Behavior Services Inc. Consider the Appointment of a Qualified Candidate to fill the Vacancy and unexpired term of City Council District 1 Seat through November, 2018. Cumulative Purchase approvals over $35,000 and under $50,000 for period 10/01/2016 to 10/31/2016. City Code Section 2-54 requires that an affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum present shall be necessary to enact an ordinance or adopt any resolution; except that two-thirds of the membership of the Council is required to enact an emergency ordinance. All ordinances require two readings, entitled first reading and second reading and public hearing, prior to adoption. No question by the public should be addressed directly by the Administrative staff. If the item requires action by the Council, then it may be added to the agenda by an affirmative vote of the Council, and written documentation must be submitted at the time the item is added to the agenda. This agenda is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board and at the Central Brevard Library and Reference Center in Cocoa for public review. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk of the City of Cocoa, listed below, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting: Carie Shealy, City Clerk, 65 Stone Street, Cocoa, by telephone at (321) 433-8484 or via email at cshealy@cocoafl. Councilman Blake provided the invocation and Mayor Parrish led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Blake Councilman Jeri Blanco Councilwoman Brenda Warner Councilwoman Anthony Garganese City Attorney John A. Agenda: Regular Meeting of October 11, 2016 (16-446) Regular City Council Meeting 10-11-2016 2. Belden read a proclamation into the record recognizing October as National Manufacturing Month. He noted that a representative from Crossbrands (formerly Ocean Potion) was supposed to be in attendance but did not make the meeting. He further advised that all of the buildings on Grissom were occupied at this time. He advised that he was in South Carolina for the storm and that he did not attend the last meeting, but did send an email. Sinclair wanted to express publically his disagreement that a replacement for District 4 was chosen by Council and not the citizens. Furthermore, he asked that Council and the City Attorney re-read the City Charter because he has issues with the way things are being done between Page 2 Regular City Council Meeting 10-11-2016 Council and staff. He referred to the City of Debary and noted he was not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong or improper, but they needed to look at how things were done. He thanked all for what they did during the hurricane and pointed out that the community came together and it was cleaned up fast. City Manager Titkanich thanked Council and noted that with all due respect, Council keeps him informed and has always done that and stated that he was responsible for the staff. Additionally, he appreciated the fact that Council goes to extra ordinary lengths to let him know that they have reached out to staff. He reminded everyone of the upcoming Fall Arts and Crafts Festival this weekend, October 15 th & 16. He pointed out that the event would happen because the City looked like it always does. The Public Works department as well as everyone else did a fantastic job in the cleanup after the hurricane. He believed it was due to great leadership from Council and City management and the merchants applaud them.

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    Each minister had individual connections to Susan Smith pain treatment for carpal tunnel discount aspirin online master card, and they were all representatives of the larger community chest pain treatment home cheap 100pills aspirin with mastercard. But more importantly pain management treatment center buy aspirin with amex, the ministers were spokespeople for the proper Christian response to Smith groin pain treatment exercises buy generic aspirin on line. The defense team shrewdly put Reverends Currie and White on the stand on the last day of testimony. In his closing arguments, in a voice so quiet that the jury complained of not being able to hear him, defense attorney David Bruck used the images provided to him by the people of Union to make the case for the defense. His lengthy summation rested upon the idea of Christian forgiveness and community responsibility for this fatally lost young woman in their midst. Although the judge would not allow Bruck to tell the jury how a death sentence for Susan would 816 weigh on him personally, he nevertheless spoke the language of the community. And I have to tell you that if Susan 299 that God was already punishing Smith for her sins: This young woman is in the lake of fire. Susan was, according to this narrative, so dependent on her 817 mother, just like a little kid. Referencing the Bible upon which they had all sworn, Bruck told the story recorded by a court reporter named John and the death penalty proceeding in the Gospel. Despite their clamor, and the fact that she was indeed guilty of adultery, John stopped them with the words: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast the stone at her. Although Bruck himself downplays his use of Christian language in the trial, Tommy Pope does not; in his next capital case, he filed a motion to suppress the use of Biblical references in the courtroom (Pope, interview). She will be all alone again soonShe will be all alone soon to resume her awful, awful struggle with suicide. Even with one holdout, it only took one vote for the 822 jury to reach a unanimous decision. The other eleven jurors talked him out of it and convinced him that life in prison would be harder for Susan than the death penalty, while another death due 823 to capital punishment would be incredibly difficult on the already-burdened community. Judge Howard thanked the jury, telling them that the community [was] proud of you. It should be noted that Susan Smith did not enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity; her carjacking lie made it nearly impossible to argue that she did not know the different between right and wrong at the time of the crime. Although she was found guilty, the sentence of life in prison can be seen as a win for the defense because they successfully avoided the death penalty (Bruck, interview; Pope). Jurors reportedly did not feel sorry for Smith, but they did seem to agree that the mistreatment by her stepfather, Beverly Russell, and others played a role in her crimes. Dot Frost of Union placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of a society that did not extend aid to 824 South Carolina v. To Union, the Susan Smith drama had transformed from the sickening case of an evil mother to the troubling story of an abused daughter during the nine months between the murders and the trial. This local script was not based on the popular images in the media, nor was it based on contemporary ideas about womanhood, motherhood, or female criminality. Rather, Unionites provided their own narrative, one based on a failure of their close-knit, Christian community. Their narrative was more about fathers and daughters than it was about mothers and sons. Although it was ultimately a jury of her neighbors that saved her life, this local script never became a part of the mainstream media coverage. But their image of Smith as a traumatized girl was nonetheless a key component of how the nation would come to understand Susan Smith through the course of her three-week trial. This local version of Smith informed the other important image of her at her trial: the mentally ill mother. This final image called upon the controversial legal script of psychological victimization, and it made it possible to imagine a new future discourse of American motherhood in which maternal filicide, within certain parameters, was comprehensible. The thoroughly demonized Susan that relied on stereotypes of sexuality, class, and region called upon historical scripts of deviant womanhood, but it did little to explain motive to the people who had known Smith her entire life. Newsweek reported after her trial that sixty-five percent of readers believed that Susan Smith should have received the death 834 penalty for her crimes. The state capitalized on the staying power of the scheming slut image when prosecutors Tommy Pope and Keith Giese used the boyfriend motive as their primary prosecutorial strategy in the guilt phase of the trial. But by the summer of 1995, a distinct change had occurred in public representations of Susan Smith. Although most reports were often more sensational than sympathetic, the victimized image of Susan Smith slowly worked its way into the national media throughout the winter of 1995 as both sides prepared for the July trial. With the advent of this version of Smith, a new icon worked its way into the pantheon of maternal images: the mentally ill mother. It is an image with which cultural consumers of the twenty-first century are very familiar, but in 1995, the image was in the process of formulation and thus incredibly controversial. In this chapter, I examine this final Susan, an image that rejected pre-existing scripts of motherhood and gestured toward future readings of maternal violence. In order to see Smith as a victim, observers and especially jurors first had to see her as a vulnerable girl rather than a calculating woman. This expert positioning of Smith was a legal strategy that would not have been likely to work in previous decades. The inadequacy of the various images of Susan Smith meant that journalists and observers were still trying to come up with one that made sense of her life and crimes even by the time of her trial, nine months after the murders. At the same time, in direct opposition to the rise of mainstream political conservatism, a new legal discourse was developing that called for leniency in punishments of psychologically disturbed individuals. Media studies scholar Elayne Rapping argues that this trend was a result of the progressive movements of the 1960s as well as feminist and critical race theories. Derided as the abuse excuse by some, this new discourse achieved legal and national fame with the murder trials of Eric and Lyle Menendez in the early 1990s. Rapping argues that this new psycholegal discourse arose just as a new, conservative, 306 law and order mentality set in that called for harsher criminal punishments, ensuring the rapid 836 demise of the abuse excuse. In the mid 1990s, feminists and scholars were beginning to reformulate their critiques of motherhood as an institution to combat the pernicious effects of the new momism. Criminologists in particular took on the issue of maternal crime, infusing it with feminist theories about the patriarchal context of mothering and the lack of social support for American mothers. These factors combined in the trial of Susan Smith to result in a kind of maternal compromise featuring Smith as the mentally ill mother. This image represented progress over some of the representations examined thus far, but it was not exactly a feminist victory.

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